Saturday, September 6, 2014

Finger, Fleas and Friday

Ow. My finger hurts.  Apparently biting my finger is the correct response to getting a pill shoved down your throat- actually, I guess I can't even get mad- that IS the correct response. 

Today I ran around like crazy dealing with cats.  They have the dreaded F word.  Fleas.  I currently have 7 cats in my house.  Call me what you want- Good Samaritan? Cat Lady?  Doesn't matter because I have 4 snuggly kittens in my kitchen!  And their Mama.  But, alas, with strays comes fleas.  And that means fleas on my own two cats.  I tried a tri-attack- oral tablets, flea bomb, and a thorough combing.  I'll let you know how that worked out.  The oral tablets is when my finger took the hit.  One of the kittens was not okay with swallowing a pill.  But after multiple attempts and a mauled finger- we got it down.

While I was banned from my house I ran around town a bit- at 5:30 in the morning.  Hmmm.. fortunately Walmart is always open!  It may seem strange why I voluntarily woke up super early to kick myself out of my house.  But one thing I know about the South is that it gets hot, and it gets hot fast.  So to keep everyone comfortable I chose the wee hours of the morning- nice and cool for the car-ful of fur.  No heat stroke for this FurMama! 

I did manage to get a delicious breakfast at New Moon Cafe.  Second time this week I've eaten there!  I did my best to get a Paleo meal by ordering the egg scrambler with spinach, tomatoes, onions, spinach and sausage.  It was delicious!  A little too delicious, if you know what I mean.  I don't know how they cooked those veggies- and I'm not asking! I also got  their Unsweetened Ice Tea (the South must think I'm crazy), unlimited refills! 

After breakfast I decided that the cats needed a bit of spoiling.  They were not happy with the day's events and I thought some new toys could brighten their day (and mine).  Not to mention it may help bridge the ever widening gap between the Man and Mr. Stanley Cakes Solomon (aka- my male cat).  Some play time and treat time should do them a world of good!

After all the cat shenanigans I had to shower quick- then hop out the door to go be a Teacher's Aide.  One of the great thing of job hunting while being unemployed is that you have a bunch of time to do stuff you wouldn't normally get to do if you were at work!  Like help out your teacher friend by grading papers and try to keep a straight face with a class full of adorable second graders.  Seriously, these kids were so cute!  Miss J is such a great teacher, she made it look so easy.  Here's a secret: I'm terrified of the thought of being a substitute teacher.  Miss J thought if I came in to check it out a little bit I might see that its not all that bad.  Well, I'm going back next week so she may be on to something!

I finally made it to Goodwill!  My friend Z along with Miss Refashionista have taught me to love Goodwill.  So many good deals!  You never know what you're going to find! Alas, today was not a successful hunt, but that's okay.  I still have several items that I need to re-fashion myself- I really shouldn't add to my pile.

For dinner tonight the Man is having baked KFC Chicken and mashed potatoes.  Me? Well, I'm probably going to make a snack plate- some apple, celery, a little almond butter, hard boiled egg?  Mmmm, that'll do me good!  I'm such a fan of snack plates- and I'm such a grazer!  I saw someone's blog where they use kid's divided plates for their snack plate- I think I'm going to have to hit up Dollar Tree to find one for myself!

Well that was my crazy day- its not done yet but its close enough.


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