Sunday, September 7, 2014

Slab Boxes, Straw Blowing and Saturday

Whew! What a Saturday.  I am so exhausted!

I woke up early again with the Man because... well, no real reason, just because.  I was able to get some chores done and play with the kittens before heading off to Fall Fling at Aiken Center for the Arts.  Free classes in ceramics, water colors and acrylic?  Yes please!  I love it when free and art come together!  I was running behind due to a last minute photo shoot I had with the kittens.

I hate being late.  I dislike being on time.  If I'm not 15 minutes early to something I'm late.  But this time I was pushing the button and was due to arrive at the center right when the class started.  AH! Being exactly on time at the center means that I would have to then walk into the class when it had already started. Well, luck was on my side.  The center wasn't even unlocked yet.  Crisis adverted!

I had a great few hours.  I learned how to make a slab box.  Second time working with clay since elementary school so I was very proud- I can't wait to see the finished product!  Then onto watercolors.  We were working on an under the sea scene.  It was my first time working with watercolors.  They confuse me.  But it was fun non the less.  Especially when it was time to make the coral.  To do that we drop a few drops of liquid watercolor paint onto the edge of our paper.  Then we took straws and blew the droplets around!  This left fun splattered trails where ever the droplets went.  This technique can also be used to make trees, fun splattered backgrounds, or whatever else you can think of!

The last class of the day was the acrylics class.  MMmm. Acrylics.  How I love you.  This was my second attempt at acrylics and it was so relaxing. The class was only about the pumpkin, but I thought that we needed a tree, and if there's a tree there should be a bird, right?

I had to run a few more errands before getting back to the house.  Where I could begin my next crafty venture- tailoring some of my clothes.  I have a pile of clothing growing that needs to be either taken in or hemmed or patched- and its about time I get to work on it.  I worked on one blouse before I got totally distracted by Once Upon a Time and just ended up watching TV.  I love that show!  I was so good during the first season, but during the second it was hard to fit it into my schedule.  So now I'm re-watching on Netflix and enjoying every minute of it!

I finished off the day with a marathon cooking session.  I made Apple Pie Lara Bars.  Pistachio Pesto to go in my Paleo-ized Tomato-Basil Pasta Sauce (Rachael Ray).  My pasta was zucchini noodles and I pan-fried some almond flour coated chicken.  I then made up some Chocolate Peanut Butter cookies for the Man to bring into work- I've been promising them to him for the past few days and finally got them made up.  Now, nothing left to do but sit back and relax!


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